Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Netbooks are here!!

After a long and patient (not really) 2 week wait, all our netbooks are here and we are very excited. Thank you to our wonderful parents and Anita at Manaiakalani for helping us get them. We can't wait to share our Learning through our digital learning objects that we will create to show our understanding of what we are learning.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Getting to know each other

Our classroom has 6 groups of desks because we are 30 students and this is the best way we could sit and still have space to move around.

In the first 2 days we could choose where to sit but that didn't work because we sat next to our friends and talked a lot.

In week 2 we were moved around until we found a combination that helped the Year 4's and 5's by having a Year 6 in each group.

We spent some time talking to each other and finding our what we had in common by asking questions like "What is your favourite colour?".

This is a short video showing the desks and each group asking questions.