Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Brain warmups in Maths

Room 5 has been doing 5 minute Brain warmups before Maths this term to practice using logic to solve unusual puzzles.

Look at the video below to see a student explaining his thinking.

The next challenge is to get the more reluctant speakers joining in and sharing their thinking.


  1. Sorry for the delayed comment lol Awesome work Diego! You’ve always enjoyed riddles and brain teasers. They’re great fun aren’t they? ��

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Room 5,
    I liked the way you are warming up your brain before you start your learning.Did you think about why it is good to warm up your brain.Next time you should show different ways to warm up your brain.
    Good Job

  4. Hi Diego,
    I like the way how you sharing your thinking and
    Keep it up the good work.

  5. Hey
    Really like the way you presented some of your learning
    But you need to work on looking more sure of what your saying

  6. Hey Diego,
    I really like how you presented your maths work.
    But you need work on speaking in front of the camera.
    KEEP IT UP!!


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