Monday, 14 March 2016

Team Building with Year 5 and Year 6

Room 5 did 2 team building activities. In the first activity, they were divided into 3 groups of 6 and each given 6 sheets of newspaper and 5 pieces of sellotape. They had to build the tallest tower and it had to be able to stand by itself for 10 seconds.


  1. Hello Room 5,

    I find that this would have been an exciting project for you's and it would have been fun seeing the final results.

    Great job Room 5.

  2. Hello Room 5,

    I really like the way you people are working as a team. I also like the way that you guys are doing these really exciting projects.

    Thanks Joshua

  3. Hi Room 5,
    I really like the way you people work together as a team. I also like the way you are doing great projects in different groups.


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